About us
We have a clear mission to collectively lead the energy transition by harnessing the potential of batteries.
An electric car is not just a means of transportation; it is a key component of a sustainable and stable electricity system built on renewable sources.
Genom att demokratisera elsystemet ger vi fler människor och företag möjlighet att aktivt delta i omställningen till en hållbar och förnybar framtid.
Så fungerar Energy Bank
Vår affärsmodell påminner om traditionella bankers verksamhet, men stället för pengar handlar det om energi från elbilsbatterier. När du ansluter din elbil till Energy Bank blir ditt batteri en del av vår gemensamma energireserv. Tillsammans med andra elbilar bidrar du till att stabilisera och stärka elnätet. Energy Bank får betalt för den tillgängliga kapaciteten i batterierna, och du behåller 80 % av intäkterna.
Energy Bank hjälper dig att sänka dina elkostnader genom att optimera din energiförbrukning. Du lagrar billig och förnybar energi i ditt elbilsbatteri, som sedan används i hemmet när elpriserna är höga. Detta ger dig en kostnadseffektiv lösning för elbilsladdning. Samtidigt minskar dina totala elkostnader och du bidrar med förnybar energi till elnätet. Precis som en vanlig bank tar Energy Bank en avgift för att hantera tjänsten.
Vi omvandlar energidelningssystemet och låter både privatpersoner och företag delta i en hållbar energiomställning. Tillsammans skapar vi ett nätverk där energi blir en gemensam resurs för en grönare framtid.
We invest in a sustainable future for everyone
We strive to create a world where profits from our assets are shared with others, serving as a force to contribute to society and protect the planet. We aim to achieve B-Corp certification to reinforce our commitment to social and environmental sustainability. We are determined to ensure that our business practices make a real difference for both people and the planet. Every year, we allocate 20% of our pre-tax profits to the Give Back initiative, where we support projects and organizations working to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.
The founders of Energy Bank
When we combined our experiences from the automotive industry and the energy sector, it became clear that we have the opportunity to play a central role in the energy transition. The paradox lies in the fact that the car, a symbol of emissions, can become the key to a revolution towards a sustainable future.
Klas Boman
Christian Jacobsson
German Carrillo Montoya
"The legacy of our generation will be determined by what we do or don't, in the fight against fossil fuels and climate change."
We are Energy Bank
Our business model is similar to that of traditional banks, but instead of money, it involves energy from batteries. When you connect your battery (electric car or stationary battery) to Energy Bank, your battery becomes part of our collective energy reserve. We are transforming the energy-sharing system, allowing both individuals and businesses to participate in a sustainable energy transition. Together, we are creating a network where energy becomes a shared resource for a greener future.
Energy Bank helps you reduce your electricity costs by optimizing your energy consumption. You store inexpensive and renewable energy in your electric vehicle battery or stationary battery, which is then used in your building when electricity prices are high. This provides you with a cost-effective solution as it lowers your overall electricity costs and contributes renewable energy to the power grid. Just like a regular bank, Energy Bank charges a fee for managing the service.
Together with other batteries, both in electric vehicles or stationary batteries, you help stabilize and strengthen the power grid. Energy Bank gets paid for the available capacity in the batteries, and you keep 80% of the revenue.